The Second Doctor - Patrick Troughton
Archival replica made by Little Shop Props.
For the third appearance of the Second Doctor’s sonic screwdriver, the prop was changed once again. This time a simple, off-the-shelf, vintage Ever Ready Slim Penlight would stand in for The Doctor’s futuristic device.
The Doctor uses the sonic screwdriver a few times during the seventh and final serial of the sixth season called, “The War Games.” Most notably, they use it to prove to a German Officer that they were telling the truth about themselves and their companions being from the future when they were being held captive in the WW1 zone by the evil War Lords.
Of the three sonic screwdriver props used by Patrick Troughton, the penlight prop design is most associated with the Second Doctor. This design is also notable for being the only classic design that shares some similarities with many of the modern versions of this prop that have been used in the revived era of the show - with them also being held horizontally like a torch, with a light on one end.
The exact model of vintage penlight used by the production was debated for many years by eagle-eyed Doctor Who fans, but ultimately was identified to be this specific design by collector Lee Moone. A later model of this same style of penlight was also seen in the Jon Pertwee era during Season Eleven, but only as a regular penlight in “The Time Warrior”.
The original physical prop is not known to have been retained after filming.
The Second Doctor
The Sonic Screwdriver Archive
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